Who can join?
Any man who is currently a member of The Captains Golf Course in Brewster, MA.
How can I get an application?
Click here to get an application, or stop by the Pro Shop at The Captains Golf Course, 1000 Freemans Way, Brewster, MA 02631.
I was a member last year. Now what?
You still need to fill out an application and send a check.
How much are the dues?
$25 per year, payable by check made out to CCMGA. You are also encouraged to support the CCMGA scholarship fund with a donation of your choice.
Where do I send my check?
Mail the application and check to:
P.O. Box 2084
Brewster, MA 02631
Or, drop your check and completed application off at the Pro Shop at The Captains Golf Course.