Meeting was called to order at 3:02 PM by Ed Lewis, President. In attendance were: Ed Lewis, President, Peter Hall, Vice President, Phil Dupont, Secretary, Rob Harris, Mike Austin, Orin Segall, Tony Amundson, John Mano, Dennis Toland, Jim Hardman, Larry Bugden, Dick Emmert, and Bill McElmurray. Ray Gomez, Vice President Membership, was absent.

President’s Report

Vice President’s Report

The Nominating Committee appointed at last meeting made their report. Progress is being made and the final report would be made at the October meeting. An e-mail soliciting volunteers for the Board will be sent out.

Treasurer’s Report:

Dick Emmert gave the Treasurer’s report. We have a balance of $5,967.75 in our checking account (same as last month). We have 259 paid members versus 324 at this time last year. The report was approved unanimously.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes for the last meeting were approved unanimously and sent to Mark O’Brien and Bob Weiss.

Membership-Vice President’s Report:

Champions Dinner: The Champions Dinner will be on September 30. Sign up no later than September 25. Target is 50 paying people.

Handicap Report:

The Committee put together a “how to score sheet”. The sheet will be attached to the next tournament instruction sheet. Committee is starting to check handicap submission for the leagues.

Website Report:

Photos from cookout are on the web; Wednesday play schedule updated; need to do something with a blog. Maybe do a CCMGA blog. Site looks great!!

Brewster Golf Commission Report:

The Commission proposed to the Town Selectman that the non-resident fee be reduced to $1,500 for individuals and $3,000 for couples. The recommendation was approved and implemented. Non-residents can pay 50% now and 50% on April 1, 2010 for a membership through March 2011. As of our meeting, 51 new non-resident members have joined, resulting in a total of 157 non-resident members. 13 resident members have joined at ½ rate.

On October 19, there will be a Town Meeting. Two capital items on the warrant are: fix irrigation ($42K) and replace a tractor.

Other news, there will also be a new lease agreement (5 years) for golf carts. Golf Department has been has been asked to cut its budget by 2%. All departments were asked to do the same.

The Commission is reviewing data as they look at resident rates. They are also looking at a proposal by Chip Parisi to initiate a volunteer group called the “Friends of the Captains Course”. The Commission is in favor of the idea but don’t know how to implement. Rob asked the Board for ideas. Volunteer groups are hard to manage and coordinate. A suggestion was made from the group for “Volunteers for Rangers”.

Old Business:

Pace of Play: Appears to have deteriorated to Spring levels in the past month.

Nine and Dine:

There have been two e-mail blasts. The next event will be on September 27. There are 5 open spots, but they will be filled. Ed thanked Dennis and John Galante for all their work.

Texas Hold-em:

Ed wanted to publicly thank Larry for all the work he has done on this event. Tables will be stored at Ed’s house.

Member/Member: This event will be held on October 3rd and 4th. There will be no fund raiser.

New Business:

Annual Meeting will be on November 4 at 3:00pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:25pm.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on October 21, 2009 at 3:00PM at the Captains Course.

Respectfully submitted,
Phil Dupont, Secretary