Format: Individual Quota by Flights (Lightning-shortened event.)

A-Flight: 1.Bill McElmurray (+5), 2.Rick Nolin (+1),  T3. Rob Harris (E), T3. Brian Skea (E), T5. Martino, Kenner (-1)

B-Flight: 1. Ray Widmer (+4), T2. John Eastman (+2), T2. Dave Smith (+2), T2. Ted Nabywaniec (+2), T5. Galante, Greco, McManus, Halunen, Pryce (+1)

C-Flight: 1. Ray Gomez (+1), 2. Harry von Thaden (-1), T3. Tom Hancock (-2), T3. Walt Gillis (-2), T5. McDonald, Kirkby (-3)

For complete results, please see 20150701

Thanks to everyone for coming in during the inclement weather.  Remember that USGA Rule 6-8a(ii) states that “The player may discontinue play if he believes there is danger from lightning“.  This means that you do not have to wait for the staff or committee to tell you to leave the course.