The CCMGA is committed to providing an enjoyable golfing experience for our members and all patrons of The Captains Golf Course. This includes the expectation that all players can complete an 18-hole round of golf within the guidelines provided by the course or the event sponsor. By enforcing these guidelines within our association, we hope to establish good habits that provide benefits beyond our Wednesday morning matches.
1) In general, the time standard for an 18 hole round is 4:10 as specified on our scorecards but may change up or down based on the nature of the event. The CCMGA considers “slow play” to be defined not only by time but rather as a consistent failure to keep up with the group ahead. It is the responsibility all members of the group playing to encourage their fellow players to speed up where appropriate.
2) If the Board receives two or more complaints regarding slow play of a group or individual, we will investigate the claim. This may include interviewing players within the group in order to determine the individual or individuals that may be responsible for the delays and notifying the members of that group of our findings.
3) If this is the first complaint lodged and the Board finds the complaint to be credible, then the player or players will receive a written warning about the incident along with suggestions for corrective action during future rounds.
4) If this is the second validated complaint lodged against a player, they will receive a second written warning. In addition, the player will be barred from the next competition held by the CCMGA.
5) After the third validated complaint by the Board, the member will be barred from CCMGA competition for the remainder of the season.
The CCMGA will be promoting ideas throughout the season for ways to pick up your pace. By playing within the established time limit, everyone can have more fun.
“See ball, hit ball, see putt, hole putt, go to the next hole.” — Rory McIlroy
Please review our Ready Golf Guidelines for suggestions on how to play quicker