Point Standings through August 14, 2024
Click Here to see the current standings
Playoffs begin August 28.
Money List
Throughout the season, players will accumulate earnings from their performances in each tournament. The total earnings of each player will be tallied up to create a season-long money list, which will rank the players based on their financial success over the course of the season.
Division into Four Flights
All players will be placed into one of 4 flights based on their golf handicap index where they will remain for the rest of the season. The top players with the lowest handicap indexes will be placed in the A flight, followed by the next tier of players in the B flight, the third tier in the C flight, and the highest handicap players in the D flight.
Match Play Bracket
The top 8 players in each flight will qualify to enter into a single elimination match play bracket. The players will be seeded based on their position on the money list, with the top seed in each flight playing the eighth seed, the second seed playing the seventh seed, and so on.
Players that have not qualified for match play, or have been eliminated will have alternate events to play during this period.
Although we will have Wednesday tee times for the match play, if a player is unable to play on a particular Wednesday, we will allow the two players to play the match on another date that week.
Flight 1
Flight 2
Flight 3
Flight 4
Memorial Trophy Match
The winners of each of the four flights will advance to the final round, where they will play one 18-hole stroke play round for the Memorial Trophy. This will determine the ultimate winner of the season-long tournament.
Past Winners
Year | A-Flight | B-Flight | C-Flight | D-Flight | Memorial Trophy Winner |
2024 | Peter Rovinelli | Steve Litwinowich | Brian Kenner | Nick Cuozzi | PETER ROVINELLI |
2023 | Bob Koch | Angus Cunningham | Bill McElmurray | Doug Cole | BILL McELMURRAY |
2022 | Al Hoffert | Bob Ford | Jeff Foster | AL HOFFERT | |
2021 | Joe Cardamone | Tom Shaw | Rich Klein | RICH KLEIN | |
2020 | Gary Brunet | Charlie Pryce | David Smith | CHARLIE PRYCE | |
2019 | George Weiss | Emile Poirier | Richard Eble | GEORGE WEISS | |
2018 | Brian Skea | Rich Klein | Richard Eble | RICH KLEIN | |
2017 | Mark McManus | Peter Gay | Walt Gillis | PETER GAY | |
2016 | Rick Nolin | Dick Grenon | Andy Nowak | RICK NOLIN | |
2015 | Rick Nolin | Marc Stahl | Walt Gillis | (3 flights) | RICK NOLIN |
2014 | Charlie Pryce | Matt Doyle | John Galante | Bob Clark | MATT DOYLE |
2013 | George Weiss | Matt Doyle | Bob Clark | Dave Greenwald | BOB CLARK |
2012 | Charlie Pryce | Nick Cuozzi | Steve O’Brien | Bob Clark | CHARLIE PRYCE |
2011 | Mike Grady | John Eastman | Ray Widmer | Joe Martin | RAY WIDMER |
2010 | Rob Harris | Dick Martinez | John Webb | Irving Tarlow | JOHN WEBB |
2009 Joe Martin
2008 Ray Widmer
2007 Bill Holway
2006 Ed Corey
2005 Dick Chanfrau
2004 John Galante
2003 George Lundquist
2002 George Lundquist