To play on Wednesday(s) you must be a member of the CCMGA. Twilight members cannot play during our events because of the time of day restriction.
To sign up each week, just click on “Wednesday Sign Up” at the top of this page. The deadline is Friday at midnight for the next week’s play.
On Monday, you should get an email from the course with your tee time, or on Monday at noon you can check the online tee sheet yourself. The weekly fee is $5.00.
We play events from the White and Gold Tees of the two courses. If your handicap index PLUS your age is greater than or equal to 90, then you can elect to play from the GOLD tees when you sign up. Otherwise, you must play from the WHITE tees.
We play by the Rules of Golf. Any exceptions will be posted by the golf course on the bulletin board and at the starters shed.
The following is the only way to cancel your tee time.
If you signed up and now you are no longer able to play in your tee time, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to
Collecting Entry Fees
If you are the first name listed in a foursome, then you are the Captain. Please pay $20 to the proshop for the entire foursome. Then collect $5 from each player. If you are not the Captain, please try to have exact change.
The following is the only way to report scores. If you are the first name listed in a foursome, then you are the Captain and you are responsible for reporting the team scores for your foursome.
Immediately following your round, please email your tee time, name, team score, and pace of play to
The final group should pick up the closest to the pin tape and report the winning name and distance as well.
Please email the Wednesday scores by 2:00 pm on the day of the event. The entire foursome will be notified at 2:00 pm if the scores have not arrived but the foursome will be disqualified if the scores are not then received by 3:00 pm.
All players are responsible for posting their own scores to GHIN by the end of the day.
Play Fast
The CCMGA has adopted a Slow Play Policy. The expected time for an 18-hole round is 4:10 as printed on the Captains score cards.
We have published a list of Ready Golf Guidelines to assist you in finishing within the allotted time.
Hole-in-one Contest
- Hole-In-One must be made while playing in a scheduled Wednesday CCMGA Match.
- To qualify for the award, you must be a current member of the CCMGA at the time the Hole-In-One is made.
- Your hole-in-one must be witnessed another player. Both the player and the witness should sign the score card along with the time that the hole-in-one was achieved.
Prize Pool starts at $200
The Initial Prize Pool is being set at $200 at the beginning of the year.
When someone makes a hole-in-one, the prize pool will be reset to $100.
You should record the time that you made the hole-in-one on your scorecard.
If there are multiple people that score a hole-in-one in a single week, then the first person to make an “ace” will be award the pool. Subsequent people will be awarded the “reset prize pool”.
Each week that has no winner, the CCMGA will add $5 to the prize pool.