CCMGA (Captains Course Men’s Golf Association) is a non-profit organization created in 1986 to:
- Organize and promote golf competition and affiliated activities for the membership.
- To promote good etiquette and good sportsmanship among the membership and visitors to the Captains Course.
- To assist and encourage the Captains Course Pro/Manager in his activities which pertain to and involve the membership.
Membership in the Captains Course Men’s Golf Association is about community!
If you have already joined the CCMGA this year, we thank you for your continued support. If you haven’t joined yet, you can get a membership application from the Pro Shop or online to Join Today!
CCMGA Member benefits:
- Wednesday Play. Every Wednesday from April through October, the CCMGA holds a tournament during the first two hours of tee times. There is no long-term obligation to play since you sign up each week that you want to play. You don’t have to make tee times because we take care of it. It only costs $5 each week, with 100% of the pool distributed to that week’s winners in pro shop credits. This is a great way to meet more people at the course.
- Two-Week Tournament. Each year, we hold a two-week tournament. You can choose your partner in a two-man best-ball format. This alone is worth the price of membership.
- The Captains Invitational is a Two-Day Member/Member, Member/Guest that is held on the weekend after Labor Day. Your team of two members or yourself and a guest will compete in a weekend of golf. The event will commence in a shotgun start on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday morning, a shotgun start will finish up the final 18 holes of competition, followed by an awards luncheon. The CCMGA provides logistical and financial assistance for this event.
- Member Advocacy. The CCMGA Board of Directors is your advocate with the staff, the Golf Commission, and the Town of Brewster. The more members that we have the more clout we have as a group.
- Scholarship Program. Each year the CCMGA awards a $1000 college scholarship to a deserving member of the Nauset High School golf team. (Jay Packett was even a past recipient of this award).
- Information. We do our best to keep you informed about things happening at the golf course.
- Learn more about us at our website at
- Member Directory on the web site
- Email notifications about upcoming events
- Affordable! Wow, that’s a lot of stuff. It must cost a lot to join! Nope, just $25.
Once again, if you have already joined the CCMGA this year, we thank you for your continued support. If you haven’t joined yet, you can get a membership application from the Pro Shop or online to Join Today!
Calendar of Events
This year some new and exciting events are being planned. Check out the Event Calendar for more details and dates.
Board Meetings
The CCMGA Board meets once a month at Captains. All CCMGA members are welcome to attend.