Putting Contest 2021
Thank you to all attendees and winners at our 1st Annual CCMGA Putting Challenge. Lots of fun and a relaxed competition from almost 60 members and guests that signed up. The Freemans Grill foodRead More…
Thank you to all attendees and winners at our 1st Annual CCMGA Putting Challenge. Lots of fun and a relaxed competition from almost 60 members and guests that signed up. The Freemans Grill foodRead More…
Format:Â Bramble Prizes:Â Captains Proshop Credits NOTE: Proshop credits will be posted by Sunday following the event 1st. (-25) Ed Pepyne, Mike Nemergut, Mike Grenier, Jim Martin 2nd. (-24) Bob Liptak, Bill McElmurray,Read More…
Format:Â Two Best Balls of Four Prizes:Â Captains Proshop Credits NOTE: Proshop credits will be posted by Sunday following the event T1. (-17) MacGillivray, Magner, McGuigan, Rovinelli T1. (-17) Litwinowich, Barber, Ford, HarrisonRead More…
After a great start to our 2021 season, the CCMGA is excited to host a mid-season social event. This is an opportunity for you to meet many of your fellow members offRead More…
Format:Â Two-Man Scramble (aka Doubles) 1st. (-11) Bob Williams & Bob Koch 2nd. (-10) Mark Kangas & Bob Emack 3rd. (-9) Bill McKee & Rob MacGillivray $25 for closest-to-the-pin: Jim Martin ClickRead More…
Format:Â Quota (3 flights) Prizes:Â Captains Proshop Credits NOTE: Proshop credits will be posted by Sunday following the event A-Flight T1. (+6) Michael Gallagher T1. (+6) Ed Pepyne B-Flight: T1. (+4) Michael LyonsRead More…
UPDATE: SUCCESS! The Select Board voted 4-0 to honor the tee time allocation formula. The percentage of member tee times will be increased to 35.8%. This is slightly lower than the previous percentageRead More…
Format:Â Two-Man Best Ball Prizes:Â Captains Proshop Credits NOTE: Proshop credits will be posted by Sunday following the event T1. (-8) Bob Koch & Dave Brown T1. (-8) Ken Eisner & Ed ShaughnessyRead More…
Format:Â Modified Alternate Shot (3 flights) Prizes: Captains Proshop Credits NOTE: Proshop credits will be posted by Sunday following the event Flight 1: T1. (70) Barber & Litwinowich T1. (70) Coleman &Read More…
Format:Â Triple Dipple Prizes:Â Captains Proshop Credits NOTE: Proshop credits will be posted by Sunday following the event 1st (-12) Pepyne, Healay, Grenier, & Goodman 2nd (-9) Coleman, Faletra, Lyons, & Pryce T3Read More…