
Wednesday Play Begins April 10

Say goodbye to the sign up clipboard. We are moving forward and embracing the future!

When to Sign Up

Registration is open from Sunday, March 31 through Friday, April 5 at 3:00 p.m. for our first event on Wednesday, April 10th.

In general, registration is open from Sunday at midnight through Friday at 3:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday.

How to Sign Up

Please go to our web site at www.CCMGA.com and click on the “Sign Up For Wednesday Play” button at the top-right corner of the page.  This is the preferred method for signing up.

You can also call (508) 247-0361 to sign up.  This works much like the tee time system, so you should be able to sign up even if you don’t have access to a computer.  (Although this is a free call for you, the CCMGA pays for each call that you make to this number. So, if you can use the web site, please do so as it is free.)

Membership Application

If you haven’t filled out an application and paid your dues yet, then this is the time!


Join Today for 2013

CCMGA Application
Quick link to your CCMGA Application

The official start of the Captains 2013 golf season is right around the corner. As you make your plans for the new year, we urge you to join and become an active member of the Captains Course Men’s Golf Association (CCMGA).

The CCMGA exists to organize competitions and events throughout the year, to promote camaraderie and sportsmanship, and to support the operation of Captains for the benefit of all members and guests. The CCMGA sponsors a full calendar of events during the year including:

  • Wednesday Competitions (April through October)
    • No commitment. Sign up each week with $3 entry fee. 100% payout.
    • Everyone is welcome. We have all skill levels and flight our tournaments.
    • Memorial Trophy season-long points competition.
    • Great way to meet other members and make lasting friendships.
    • (I saved the best for last…) You don’t have to call for a tee time!
  • The Captains Cup (NEW! A Ryder Cup style event on June 22nd & 23rd)
  • Two-Week Two-Man Best Ball Tournament (August 21st & 28th)
  • The 3rd Annual Captains Invitational (September 7th & 8th)
  • Nine & Dine Series
Our Wednesday block times have been moved back to starting at 6:30 in July and August. With the earlier block time, it will be a requirement that all participants during July and August be “Early” or “Non-Resident” members (the unrestricted categories). This includes our Two-Week tournament at the end of August. For April, May, June, September, and October, members in the “Morning” ($750) category are
also eligible to play in the Wednesday Block Times.

The CCMGA is the proud sponsor of an annual scholarship awarded to an outstanding college-bound student from the Nauset High School golf team. We provide charitable support to The First Tee, Junior Golf Day at Captains, and the Lower Cape Outreach Council tournament. We sponsor the food and beverage for the Captains Invitational Tournament. We take care of our course by organizing events such as “divot day” and through gifts (2012: laser range finder reflectors for flag sticks). In short, the CCMGA is active and involved.

CCMGA membership for 2013 is still only $20. Our organization will be better if you are a member. If you were a member of the CCMGA in the past, we thank you for your support and look forward to your membership this year. If you were not a member in the past, we hope you will join us in making the 2013 golf season the best it can be.

Here is your CCMGA Application. I hope that you will fill out the application and send it today while it is fresh in your mind.

Thanks again for joining the CCMGA!


Rob Harris, President, CCMGA


Wednesday Play 2012

Well, that wraps up another successful season of tournaments for the CCMGA.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  Thank you to the CCMGA board members for all of your help in planning and execution.  And a extra special thanks is owed to Ray Gomez for his tireless work in setting up the Wednesday morning matches.

The CCMGA Wednesday matches will resume in April 2013.


Tournament & Annual Meeting – Oct 17


Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Shotgun Start on Starboard Course

Entry fee: $25 per man (checks only payable to CCMGA) payable on the 17th. This includes carts, prizes to the first three teams, and cookout in the Pavilion immediately afterwards. This event is open to all current CCMGA members.

Format: Two-man teams with the better ball of team counting. 90% handicap with gold tees allowed as in regular Wednesday matches. Strokes allowed on holes will be indicated on preprinted score cards that will be provided.

How to Sign Up: There will be no web sign up for this event.  To sign up, write your name and member number on the clipboard next to the handicap computer in the hallway.  Sign up sheets will be posted on Sunday, October 7th through Friday, October 12th or when the maximum of 64 players is reached (don’t wait).

Annual Meeting Agenda

Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: Ellsworth Pavilion at Captains

The CCMGA Annual Meeting will take place immediately after the tournament.  We will be serving hamburgers, hotdogs, sausage with onion and peppers, and desert.  If you are in the tournament, this is included in your entry fee.  Otherwise, you should sign up for lunch and pay a fee of $10 (checks only payable to CCMGA). Deadline to sign up for lunch is Tuesday, October 9th.

How to Sign Up: There will be no web sign up for this event.  To sign up, write your name and member number on the clipboard next to the handicap computer in the hallway.

At the meeting, the CCMGA Board will update you on important events at The Captains Golf Course as they relate to the CCMGA. We will elect new officers and Board members for the 2013 season. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.


Divot Day – October 15, 2012

The CCMGA is sponsoring a “Divot Day” to fill those pesky little holes in the fairway in which your ball always comes to rest.  Complimentary coffee will be available at Captains beginning at 6:30 a.m.  Divot filling will commence at 7:00 a.m. on the Starboard course (front and back).  It might be helpful if you bring a small pail and a trowel with you.

Click here to sign up online. Alternatively, you can sign up on the clipboard next to the handicapping computer at the clubhouse.