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CCMGA Application
Quick link to your 2012 CCMGA Application

The official start of the Captains 2012 golf season is only a few weeks away.  As you make your plans for the new year we urge you to join and become an active member of the Captains Course Men’s Golf Association (CCMGA).

The CCMGA exists to organize competitions and events throughout the year, to promote camaraderie and sportsmanship and to support the operation of Captains for the benefit of all members and guests.  CCMGA sponsors a full calendar of events during the year including the Wednesday Competition, the Captains Invitational, the 9 & Dine series, the Two Man Best Ball Tournament and more.  This year the CCMGA will sponsor new pin reflectors that will enhance the performance of range-finders.  The CCMGA is the proud sponsor of an annual scholarship awarded to an outstanding college bound student from the Nauset High School golf team.  The CCMGA supports Junior Golf Day at Captains and the Lower Cape Outreach Council tournament.  Last but not least the CCMGA sponsors the food and beverage program for the Captains Invitational Tournament.  In short, the CCMGA is active and involved.

CCMGA membership for 2012 is only $20.  The organization will be better if you are a member.  If you were a member of the CCMGA in the past we thank you for your support and look forward to your membership in 2012.  If you were not a member in the past we hope you will join and help us make the 2012 golf season the best it can be.

Here is your 2012 CCMGA Application

Thank you for joining the CCMGA.


Wednesday Play 2011

Well, that wraps up another successful season of tournaments for the CCMGA.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  Thank you to the CCMGA board members for all of your help in planning and execution.  And a extra special thanks is owed to Ray Gomez for his tireless work in setting up the Wednesday morning matches.

The CCMGA Wednesday matches will resume in April 2012.


Tournament and Cookout — Rescheduled


Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Shotgun Start on Port Course

Entry fee: $25 per man (cash only) payable on the 26th. This includes carts, prizes to the first three teams, and cookout at the VFW immediately afterwards. This event is open to all current CCMGA members.

Format: Two-man teams with the better ball of team counting. 90% handicap with gold tees allowed as in regular Wednesday matches. Strokes allowed on holes will be indicated on preprinted score cards that will be provided.

How to Sign Up: There will be no web sign up for this event.  To sign up, write your name and member number on the clipboard next to the handicap computer in the hallway.

Annual Meeting Agenda

Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: V.F.W. on Freeman’s Way

The CCMGA Annual Meeting will take place immedately after the tournament.  We will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs.  If you are in the tournament, this is included in your entry fee.  Otherwise, you should sign up for lunch and pay a fee of $5 (cash or check payable to CCMGA).

How to Sign Up: There will be no web sign up for this event.  To sign up, write your name and member number on the clipboard next to the handicap computer in the hallway.

At the meeting, the CCMGA Board will update you on important events at The Captains Golf Course as they relate to the CCMGA. We will elect new officers and Board members for the 2012 season. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.


Memorial Trophy Winner 2011

Congratulations to Ray Widmer on winning the CCMGA’s Memorial Trophy for 2011!

Ray shot a 101 (net 73) to capture the victory.

The 2011 winners of the four individual flights are:

A-Flight: Mike Grady
B-Flight: John Eastman
C-Flight: Ray Widmer
D-Flight: Joe Martin

These final four players competed in one 18-hole stroke play (net handicap) tournament on September 28, 2011 to determine the winner of the Memorial Trophy.