
Nine & Dine – July 31, 2011

On Sunday, July 31, 2011, the CCMGA will be sponsoring a Nine & Dine event.

  • 6 tee times beginning at 2:36 on both courses, total of 12 tee times (48 players)
  • Choose your pairing or we’ll do it for you
  • 2 prize pools – one on each course
  • Cocktails (cash bar) / buffet dinner at Captains Pavilion:
    Glazed Scrod, Rosemary Chicken, Salad, Dessert
  • Cost – $30 per player/$60 per team ($25 dinner / $5 prize pool)
  • Scotch format (alternate shot)
  • Male must be a member of CCMGA
  • If guest isn’t a member, greens fee of $35 will be collected at time of play
  • Carts optional – pay on day of play.
  • Sign up deadline – July 28
  • Sign up at pro shop – checks only, made out to CCMGA

Do you want to print this out? Here is the flyer!


Wednesday Results – June 29, 2011

Format: Individual Quota
Memorial Trophy Qualifier (Season Standings)

A-Flight: T1. Charles Pryce (+3), T1. Robert Moore (+3), 3. Ray DiPietro (+1), T4. Brian Skea (-1), T4. Rob Harris (-1), T4. Hank Mitchell (-1)

B-Flight: 1. Bill Blumberg (+5), T2. Bill Engster (+4), T2. Pat Gray (+4), T2. Mike Grady (+4)

C-Flight: T1. Jim Lane (+5), T1. Walt Gillis (+5), 3. Ray Gomez (+4) T4. Richard Rose (+3), T4. Bob McCullagh (+3)

D-Flight: 1. Dave Greenwald (+7), 2. Joe Martin (+6)

For complete results, please see Wednesday Results 2011-06-29