
Captains on Facebook

The Captains Golf Course now has its own Facebook page!

Do you “Like” the Captains Golf Course?  If so, you know what to do…

There is also a new Facebook section in the right-hand column on this website that shows recent Captains Golf Course postings. You might have to scroll down the page a little bit to see it.


Pro Shop Sales Calendar – May 2011

Here is the Pro Shop Sales Calender for the month of May at The Captains Golf Course.

Now that the season is in full swing our shop is fully stocked with the latest merchandise from all the industry leaders. Be sure to stop by and check out the most recent offerings from EP Pro, Cutter & Buck, Adidas, Under Armour, Nike, Foot-Joy and more.

As always, if you see something you like, but we don’t have your size be sure to let us know and we will special order it for you! Also, if you don’t see what you are looking for let us know so we might be able to meet your needs in the future.

Thanks in advance for your support and I look forward to seeing you around the shop!

Jay Packett
Head Professional
Pro Shop Manager


Captains Log – April/May 2011

Here is The Captains Log newsletter for the months of April & May 2011.

Table of Contents

  • Director of Operations, Mark O’Brien
  • Golf Commission, Rob Harris
  • Women’s 18-Hole Association, Joanne Liberles
  • Women’s 9-Hole Association, Anne LeMaitre
  • CCMGA, Mike O’Connell
  • Golf Shop, Jay Packett
  • Golf Tip, Steve Knowles
  • April & May 2011 Calendar of Events
  • 2011 Member & Associations Events, and outside outings

Wednesday Results – April 20, 2011

Format: Individual Quota (Memorial Trophy Qualfier)

A-Flight: 1. Brian Skea (+1), T2. Robert Ward (E), T2. Charles Pryce (E)
B-Flight: 1. John Webb (+2), 2. Tom Hancock (E), T3. John Eastman (-2). T3. Nick Cuozzi (-2)
C-Flight: 1. Ray Widmer (+7), 2. Jim Lane (+4), 3. Walt Gillis (+3)
D-Flight: 1. Joe Martin (+5), 2. Irving Tarlow (+3)

For complete results, see Wednesday Results 2011-04-20 (A/B flights), and Wednesday Results 2011-04-20 (C/D flights)

For Memorial Trophy Standings, choose “Season Standings” from the “Wednesday” menu at the top of this page.


Wednesday Results – April 13, 2011

The course was closed today, so there are no Wednesday results.

This is a good time to mention Lightning Safety. Lightning is arbitrary, random and unpredictable. If you can hear thunder, then move to safety.

If sudden, close-in lightning does not permit immediate evacuation to a safer place, spread out from your group, squat down, tuck your head and cover your ears. Head for the safest place as soon as immediate threat passes.

The USGA emphasizes that players in a competition have the right to stop play if they simply believe there is danger from lightning, even though the committee may not have authorized it specifically by signal, (Rules 6-8 and 33-2d).


Memorial Trophy Matches

On Wednesday, April 20, 2011, the CCMGA will host the first Memorial Trophy Qualifying Match.  Open to all CCMGA members.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to earn points towards the playoff match in September.

Once again, the four individual flight winners will receive an award at the end of the season.  You can track your progress by clicking on the “Wednesday” menu at the top of this page, then choosing “Season Standings“.

You can sign up for this event in one of two ways.

  1. There is a sign up sheet on a clipboard on the club’s bulletin board.  This is located in the hallway with the restrooms, next to the handicap computer.  Just write your name and member number on the form and you are all set.
  2. Or, sign up online at http://www.CCMGA.com by clicking the “Sign up for Wednesday Play” button at the top of the page.

You must sign up EACH week that you wish to play.  You can sign up beginning on Sunday, and ending at 4:00 p.m. on the Friday before play.


Red, White, and Yellow Flags


There is a new flag system in use at The Captains Golf Course.  The color of the flag represents the relative hole position on the green.  Red flags are for front hole locations. White flags are for middle hole locations.  Yellow flags are for back hole locations.

This isn’t an exact science because a hole can be close to the dividing line if you simply divided the green into thirds.  Instead, think of “red” being in the front 40% of the green, “white” in the middle 40%, and “yellow” being in the back 40%. I know, I know, that adds up to 120%.  But, you can’t really expect the maintenance staff to go out there with a laser measuring device just to cut the pins.

There will be 6 front, 6 middle, and 6 back hole locations each day on each course.