
Pace of Play

Pace of Play requires constant vigilance. The Board would like everyone to consider the following:

  • The first few groups out can determine the pace of play for the entire field. If your group is slow, everyone after you is affected.
  • Each group that follows must keep up with the group ahead. If you are not, change the routine of your group. The team Captain should suggest the change if required to the group.
  • Play “ready golf” whenever safe to do so. Don’t use “honors” on the tee box if you are behind. Putt out whenever possible.
  • It is recommended that you make the stroke in no more than 40 seconds after you are (or should be) able to play without interference or distraction, and you should usually be able to play more quickly than that and are encouraged to do so. (It should have taken you about 40 seconds to read everything in this post up to this point)
  • If someone in your group is consistently playing slow make him aware in a nice way with possible suggestions to increase the pace. If the player is unable or unwilling to change please provide the Board the name of the player and the nature of the problem.

USGA Rule 5.6

  • Players should recognize that their pace of play affects others and they should play promptly throughout the round (such as by preparing in advance for each stroke and moving promptly between strokes and in going to the next tee),
  • A player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play without interference or distraction.
  • Committee Pace of Play Policy. To encourage and enforce prompt play, the Committee should adopt a Local Rule setting a Pace of Play Policy.  This Policy may set a maximum time to complete a round, a hole or series of holes and a stroke, and it may set penalties for not following the Policy.

The Board will be reviewing complaints from our members about slow play for the next couple of weeks.  If this continues to be a problem, then we may have to institute penalties associated with slow play infractions.

A round of golf should be completed within 4 hours and 15 minutes.  The time to complete a hole is listed on the top line of every Captains scorecard.


Results – July 15th

Format: Individual Quota by Flights

1st. Chris Chapin (+3) $30
T2. Michael Moore (E) $15
T2. Peter Lynch (E) $15

1st. Charlie Pryce (+3) $30
2nd. Paul Shorthose (+2) $23
T3. Rob Faletra (-2) $11
T3. Ken Eisner (-2) $11

1st. Angus Cunninham (+4) $30
T2. Rick Martino (+2) $15
T2. Ray DiPietro (+2) $15

For complete results, please see CCMGA 07-15-2020 Results
For updated season standings, please see Memorial Cup Standings


Minutes – June 2020

CCMGA Board Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2020

Board Members Present: Bill O’Brien, Rob Harris, Peter Hall, Peter Lynch, Ken Eisner, Emile Poirier, Dennis Toland, Gary Senecal

Membership Report: We currently have 76 members.

Financial Report: We have an cash balance of $3871.98.  There are committed funds for the Scholarship and Hole-In-One reserve totaling $1100.00. This leaves $2771.98 in available funds.

Scholarship Report:

Liam McCarthy O’Hara is the 2020 CCMGA Scholarship in Memory of Michael Austin award winner. He resides in Brewster and attends Nauset Regional High School.

Liam is a two sport athlete participating in golf and basketball. For the past two years Liam was selected as an All League All Star of the golf team. His recommendations from his golf coach and guidance counselor state that Liam is “an outstanding young man, teammate, and role model for young students.”

Liam compiled a 3.68 grade average, and was enrolled in High Honors and Advanced Placement courses in his senior year. Interested in science, Liam will enroll in California Polytechnic State University in the fall.

Golf Commission Report: The Golf Commission held a virtual meeting on June 16, 2020.  Here are some selected highlights of the meeting:

  • Pro Shop scheduled to be opened on June 29, 2020. There will be a limit of 4 people in the shop at a time.
  • At the May meeting, there was a projected deficit for FY20 of $322,000 because of COVID-19. Revenues from reopening have been better than expected and the new projection is a $63,000 deficit.
  • There are 164 new members this year, including 95 non-resident member and many collegiate members.
  • The search for a new Superintendent has resumed and the committee has narrowed the field down to four applicants. The hope is to hire someone that could be on the job by September. In the meantime, Steve Mann has been hired as a consultant, as well as an Agronomist consultant.
  • As we are currently at 12-minute tee time intervals by Executive Order, there are fewer total tee times. However, the ratio of member tee times to guest tee times is being adjusted so that the Members will have the same number of tee times as last year.
  • In the first two weeks of June, the number of rounds played *5260) with virtually the same as last year even with 12-minute tee times.
  • The driving range is open again. It is being used more than normal even with social distancing requirements in place.
  • The cups will be replaced with a new technology next week called EZ Lyft.  Here is a short video that shows how it works.
  • There are some porta-johns on the course now.  There is no plans to place water coolers on the course, so don’t forget to bring your water bottle or purchase one at Freemans Grill.

Wednesday Play: We have had two weeks of association play so far and both have had great participation.  We had 32 players the first week and 36 the second.

A motion was made to start collecting entry fees of $5 starting with our first event in July. The money will be collected by the staff at Freemans Grill from each player as the pro shop has not any plans to accept cash. The entire prize pool will be paid out each week in the form of food & beverage credit at Freemans Grill. [Motion passed 5-3].

A motion was made to provide lunch to the maintenance staff for appreciation of all of their efforts at a date to be determined. [Motion passed unanimously]

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm.