

Charlie Pryce (left) accepts $400 check from CCMGA President, Bill O'Brien (right)

Charlie Pryce (left) accepts $400 check from CCMGA President, Bill O’Brien (right)

Charlie Pryce made a hole-in-one on Port #5 during our regular Wednesday match this week.  The prize pool has been building up gradually since July 25, 2018, and was worth $400.


June 10 Results

Format: Two-Man Best Ball

T1. (-3) Ed Pepyne / Charlie Pryce ($13 each)
T1. (-3) Jim Coleman / Angus Cunningham ($13 each)
T3. (-2) Dave Cockcroft / Rich Klein ($2 each)
T3. (-2) Robert Faletra / Thomas Wingard ($2 each)
T3. (-2) Rob Harris / Ed Stefanik ($2 each)

For complete results, please see CCMGA Results 06-10-2020


2020 Kickoff – June 10th

We will begin our Wednesday association matches on June 10th. In order to play in the events, you will need to be a member of the CCMGA so don’t forget to fill out an application and sign up today. You can get an application at
We have a few new wrinkles this year because of the pandemic restrictions. Please read this carefully and we can all have a safe and fun summer of golf!
We encourage you to join our group for 2020. We are still actively accepting CCMGA applications and recommend that you mail them to:

PO Box 2087
Brewster, MA 02631

1. We have the first two hours of tee times on Wednesday. With the current 15 minute intervals, that means we have 8 tee times for 32 players. We will be assigning people first-come first-served based on the time that you sign up online. Emails will be sent when sign ups are opened. Our first event will begin accepting sign ups on Sunday, May 31st

New and Improved for 2020. We can use any of the times in the first two hours, so you will be able to ask for an early time or a later time within the block. The first couple of events begin at 7:00 and go through 8:45, after the times will start at 6:30 and go through 8:15.

2. If you miss the 32 player limit on one week, then you are guaranteed to be included the following week if you sign up.
3. The course is currently not allowed to accept cash, so we aren’t either. There will be no entry fees while this restriction is in place. The CCMGA will supply a prize pool each week of $2/man. The number of payouts will be based on the number of groups.
4. There will be no prize money during the four Individual Quota events that count towards the Memorial Trophy. Instead, winners of the 3 flights at the end of the year will receive a personalized trophy, and the overall winner’s name will be engraved on the permanent trophy.
5. No closest-to-the-pin prizes this year because we cannot have tape measures on the course.
6. No hole-in-one prize as long as the cups are in the raised position.
7. A putt is considered “holed” if the ball hits the cup. A ball in a bunker may be replaced in the bunker until rakes are returned to the course.
8. When signing up for the event, we will be asking if you desire a riding cart. You will need to pay for your cart with a credit card when you arrive for your tee time.
9. There are no scorecards at the course right now, so you will need to print one.
10. Team Captains will need to email the scores for everyone in your group at the conclusion of the round. Results will be posted on the CCMGA web site. The email address is scores@CCMGA.com
11. If you have any question, please let us know!
CCMGA Board of Directors:

Bill O’Brien, Rob Harris, Ken Eisner, Peter Hall, Peter Lynch, John Mano, Emile Poirier, Dennis Toland, Gary Senecal


Minutes – September 2019

ATTENDEES : Bill O’Brien / Emile Poirier / Rob Harris / Ed Stefanik / Bruce Beauchemin / Ken Jones

Accepted the minutes of the August 22, 2019 MGA Board Meeting

MGA Membership remains at 103 (vs 104 in 2018)

Available cash @ Sep 10 = $ 2511.43 ($ 3901.43 less $ 1000 committed to 2019 Nauset HS Scholarship Award (Myles Walther) less $ 390 Wednesday Hole-In-One prize pool)

The Board wishes to thank Ken Jones, Emile Poirier & Orin Segall for their time and effort in organizing the water / crackers / golf balls provided to each player in addition to managing the 50/50 raffle following Sunday’s round.

Given the single day Tournament & associated insurance refund for Hole-In-One coverage, the MGA net financial outcome is a profit of ~ $ 150.

BREWSTER GOLF COMMISSION MEETING (SEP 10, 2019) : Bill O’Brien / Rob Harris
The potential for Captains Course to utilize an Enterprise Account is being reviewed (likely 2022 or later) .. such practice would make Captains Course responsible for covering it’s own expenses on a forward basis. Further discussions ahead.

Potential construction of a solar canopy at Captains Course (parking lots) remains under discussion / negotiation with provider. If an agreement is reached, the canopy may be erected in 2020. A number of details yet to be concluded.

Captains Course aeration plan is to have a rotating number of tees & fairways undergoing aeration through the Fall. The aim is to maximize golf rounds throughout the period. Greens will be aerated in late October / early November following the NEIGA college golf tournament.

Captains has sold ~ 40 Off-Season golf memberships to date (similar to 2018)

Initial proposal by Club Cart for 2020 electric cart fleet is $ 130K annually (an increase of ~ $ 10K). Details of cart equipment / options remain under review. Contract will likely cover a 3-5 year period.

Captains Course long range Strategic Plan continues to be developed. An updated annual Five Year Plan will be presented to Brewster Town Administrator by end October.

Sep 11 play drew 15 players.
The 2019 MGA Flight winners are :
“A” Flight = George Weiss.
“B” Flight = Emile Poirier
“C” Flight = Dick Eble.
Flight winners will hold an 18 hole stroke play competition for the Memorial Trophy.

The Board approved an estimated $ 150 to be used for procuring 3 Individual Flight trophies + 2 nameplates (2019 Memorial Trophy winner & Scholarship Award winner).

The final 2019 Wednesday MGA competitions will be held September 18 and October 2. Both competitions will be 2 Man Best Ball formats. There will be no Wednesday play on September 25.


The Board accepted the following proposal for the October 2 MGA competition which will be followed by lunch & the Annual General Meeting (both in Captain’s Pavilion) :

8:30 shotgun start / 2 Man Best Ball format (90% handicap) / entry fee = $ 30

Crackers & water will be provided to each player. Additionally, 3 dozen golf balls will be raffled off at the AGM following play (3 winners of 1 dozen balls each)

The following cash prizes will be awarded :
(A) $ 500 Hole-In-One prize (assumes no winners on September 18) .. or a $ 100 premium to the Hole-In-One prize as re-established post any Sep 18 winner
(B) $ 50 Closest To Centerline on selected Par 5
(C) $ 50 Closest To Pin on selected Long Par 3
(D) $ 50 Closest To Pin on selected Short Par 3

In addition to the above cash prizes, $ 500 worth of Captains Gift Cards will be awarded across the top 4 teams.

MGA by-laws will be updated to allow nomination of a General Board slate of candidates (if required). The intent is to allow a new Board the opportunity to review it’s makeup & establish individual roles post AGM election. Should specific Board roles be agreed prior to an AGM, the new slate of candidates will be so nominated. If specific roles have not yet been confirmed, a General Board slate of candidates may be presented to MGA membership for election (with understanding that the new Board would agree on individual roles moving forward).

OCTOBER 2, 2019 (AGM)
Captain’s Pavilion Room


Minutes – August 2019

Bill O’Brien / Rob Harris / Emile Poirier / Ed Stefanik / Bruce Beauchemin / Ken Jones

Orin Segall / Steve Litwinowich / Tom Magner / Ron Harrison. / Mike O’Connell

The Board would like to thank those MGA members who completed the recent Survey. It would also like to thank Guests attending the Aug 22 Board Meeting for sharing thoughts aimed at providing meaningful & enjoyable golf options for Captains Course players. Points noted in both the Survey results and Board Meeting discussions will be progressed for potential 2020 implementation.

Current MGA membership = 103 (104 in 2018)

Cash available (Aug 21) = $ 2629.03  —> $ 4004.03 account balance less contingencies of $ 1000 (Scholarship) and $ 375 (Wednesday Hole In One Pool).

$ 1000 is being held for disbursement to Myles Walther (2019 Nauset HS Award winner) pending receipt of his 1st semester college academic progress report. The 2020 Scholarship program will be initiated early next year.

Tournament details can be referenced via pro shop signage or by calling the Captains Course at any time (Invitational is managed by Captains Course).

Insurance arrangements for the $ 10,000 Hole-In-One prize (sponsored by the MGA) are in place. The cost of coverage will be $ 506 with sponsored holes being #5 Starboard (Saturday) and #11 Port (Sunday). Per insurance requirements, 3P witnesses will be in place on both days. Appropriate signage will be provided, identifying the Hole-In-One competitions.

In-cart refreshments (crackers / water) & ball sleeves will be provided for all competitors .. a 50/50 raffle will be held following Sunday’s round (10 tickets @ $20).

MGA SURVEY (Rob Harris)
A quick recap of Survey results :
(a) 85% favored the MGA continuing as an organization
(b) 11 respondents indicated they may consider MGA Board membership
(c) 30% favored some form of social aspect be considered for MGA events
(d) large majority indicated they would not be significantly impacted if MGA competitions were not offered (assumes current Wednesday formats)

As an extension of Survey results, discussion took place among Board members and Guests. The discussions were open, informative & appreciated by all participants. It was agreed there may be opportunities for improving the golf experience for Captains players via changes in timing &/or formats. Although late in the 2019 golf calendar (note : the MGA Sep 18 competition is under review for a potential format change), attendees agreed to continue discussions through the winter with an eye toward the 2020 season. As noted earlier, with several Board members departing at the end of the 2019 season, it will be imperative to maintain a viable MGA Board in driving any modified or new golf concepts.

Given the low number of sign-ups ahead of Labor Day, there will be no MGA Wednesday competitions on August 28 or September 4. The remaining MGA events will be a September 11 Individual Quota .. September 18 TBN (a new /expanded event is under review) .. and October 2 Best Ball w/AGM following.