
Results – June 27

Format: Two-Man Best Ball

T1. (-9) Rick Martino & Ken Eisner
T1. (-9) Charlie Pryce & Harry von Thaden
T3. (-8) George Weiss & Brian Skea
T3. (-8) James Sapienza & Blind Draw

Closest to the pin: Emile Poirier 3’5″

[ Complete results ]

All prizes are paid in Captains Pro Shop merchandise credits. You can redeem your credits by asking the cashier to “apply your pro shop credits from your account” when you are making a purchase.


June 5th Results

Individual Quota by Flights

1. (+5) Brian Skea
2. (+2) Ed Pepyne
3. (+1) George Weiss
4. (E) Chris Chapin
5. (-1) Gary Brunet

1. (+7) Charles Pryce
2. (+5) Rich Klein
3. (+1) Mike Rhines
T4. (-3) Emile Poirier & Bill Engster

1. (-4) Dave Smith
2. (-5) Harry von Thaden

Closest to the pin: Charlie Pryce (19′ 7″)

[ Complete Results ]

May 2019 Minutes

ATTENDEES : Bill O’Brien / Rob Harris / Emile Poirier/ Ed Stefanik / John Mano 
GUEST : Orin Segall 


– accepted minutes of the April 10, 2019 CCMGA Board Meeting 


– 2019 Membership @ 83 (14 new members / 36 non-renewals) .. 2018 Membership was 104. Reminders will be sent to prior members who have not renewed. 

– MGA account balance $ 3934.03 less $1000 Scholarship Award & $310 Hole In One Prize Pool. Net available funds = $2624.03. 


– Nauset High School (NHS) has been advised of the MGA Scholarship Award nominee. Once NHS notifies same / announces the recipient, a letter will be sent from MGA to the award winner confirming the Scholarship parameters. 


– continue to average 20-22 players for Wednesday competitions 

– 12 players have currently registered for the May 15 / 22 Two Week Tournament. The entry fee is $30 per player and includes two rounds of golf, electric cart on May 22 and a post round meal / awards banquet on May 22. Prizes will be in the form of Captains gift cards. 

– reviewing the potential to hold a single day Tournament on May 22, concurrent with but separate from the Two Week Tournament. 


– the future of the CCMGA remains uncertain .. declining Membership & Wednesday play numbers, plus a lack of response for new Board members raises questions as to MGA relevancy moving forward. Consideration is being given to an open MGA meeting aimed at discussing issues & options. 

– Brewster Golf Commission will meet on May 14 

* NEXT CCMGA MEETING -> JUNE 12 @ 2PM (Captains Meeting Room) 


Vote NO on Article 17

Brewster Town Meeting
Date: Monday, May 6th
Time: 6:00 pm (doors open at 5:00 pm)
Where: Stonybrook Elementary School, 384 Underpass Road, Brewster

Article 17 – Bottled Water & Beverage Ban

Vote NO on Article 17

Article 17 is a citizen’s petition that has not even been endorsed by the town’s Recycling Commission. If passed, it would prohibit the sale of water or any other beverage in plastic containers on town property including The Captains Golf Course.

Freemans Grill would be the only restaurant in all of Brewster that would be negatively affected by this which seems grossly unfair.  And the group that is proposing this bylaw change has never even offered to meet with anyone at the golf course to discuss the problems it would cause.

Sean Sullivan has advised us that, if it does pass, it would be very difficult for Freemans Grill to remain profitable because at this time there are no good alternatives available to replace plastic bottles which can also be recapped.  And, as we all know, it is very difficult to keep any kind of open beverage from spilling if you are either pushing a golf cart or riding in one. If Freemans Grill loses this significant revenue stream, it is hard to imagine that they (or any other vendor) would be interested in renewing their contract with the golf course when it expires in less than 2 years.

Freemans Grill is the exactly kind of small business that the people of Brewster should be supporting.  Sean and Zach have invested time, energy and their own money in making improvements that make their restaurant a destination not just for golfers but for the public at large.  And they are more than willing to work with the Golf Commission and the Recycling Committee to try to find an alternative that helps us all move towards being a greener community while not negatively impacting their business.

Reducing our use of plastic is a wonderful goal but a lot more discussion is needed.  The Brewster Recycling Commission has launched a work group to analyze Brewster’s plastic use.  Let them do their work and wait until they have a proposal that makes sense for all those who may be impacted.

Vote NO on Article 17